


What We Did

Logo & Brand Identity Art Direction Packaging Website

Meet Alpenglowee, a contemporary fragrance house that challenges traditional narratives. Here, scents crystallize into the warmth of memories, and time becomes tangible. Inspired by alpenglow—that ethereal moment when twilight paints the Alps in fleeting magnificence—we capture this ephemeral beauty in every detail.

alpenglowee,一個挑戰傳統香氛敘事的當代品牌,當氣味化作記憶的溫度,而時光成為可以觸摸的具象。 靈感源於日落時分的阿爾卑斯山脈,那轉瞬即逝的瑰麗時刻 —— alpenglow。我們將這份稍縱即逝的美,凝聚在每一個細節之中。

Our design philosophy embraces minimalism while weaving rich conceptual threads: the gentle sienna palette holds the last light of day, while pure vessels stand as blank canvases, waiting for fragrances to paint the air. This commitment to sustainability through packaging speaks to a modern aesthetic consciousness. At the intersection of sensory and artistry, Alpenglowee elevates fragrance into an intimate performance—where daily rituals transform into the most moving of installations.

品牌設計以極簡主義為基調,卻蘊含豐富的概念演繹:恬淡的赭石色系彷彿凝固了日落時分的光暈,純色的容器則扮演一幅留白的畫布,等待香氣在空間中揮灑;而包裝傳達出的永續理念,更是對當代生活美學的一種積極回應。 在感官與藝術的交叉點,Alpenglowee 將香氣昇華為一場私密的展演: 生活儀式,或許就是最動人的裝置藝術。

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